Simple Yogic Kriyas English
Simple Yogic Kriyas English
Simple Yogic Kriyas English

Simple Yogic Kriyas (English)

Rs.80.00 Rs.100.00
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Simple Yogic Kriyas

For Hygiene of Senses


  • Contains total 28 very beneficial Simple Yogic Shuddhi Kriyas (cleansing processes) pertaining to the Oral Hygiene and proper cleansing of Five Sensory Organs (viz. tongue, nose, ears, eyes & skin) explained in a very lucid language, together with appropriate pictures and diagrams.

  • Every Yogic Kriya is taught systematically providing all requisite information. about its relevant aspects like contra-indications (i.e. the conditions in which the particular Kriya should not be practised), Precautions, Technique, Special Notes & Benefits.

  • Most of the Kriyas are quite simple to perform and remaining few can be mastered with little practice. Further, none of the Kriyas requires any sophisticated equipment.

  • This booklet will prove extremely useful to everyone (from children to persons of any age) in maintaining good hygiene of senses; preventing disorders especially of digestive & respiratory systems, improving overall health and enhancing the quality of life.

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